After thinking more about the Broward County school shooting, I believe that it is worth taking a look at the issue from the national level, and to suggest that the Democrats, the other leftist groups, and the media are deliberately moving this country to the edge of a civil war, probably believing those it oppresses will not take up cudgels against them. Several supporting points for this idea stand out to me as most important:
Continue reading “Trump must act, or others will take the blood of these tyrants”Month: February 2018
President Trump: End the Florida madness, tell us the truth, and do not punish law-abiding gun owners
I have not previously chosen to write about school shootings in this space except to excoriate Obama and other politicians in both parties who regularly built their plans for eradicating the 2nd Amendment on the back of school attacks and dead students. I do that again here to the same politicians, journalists, and businessmen who are trying to capitalize on young corpses to further their plans to disarm Americans. I also will add my view that President Trump is playing into the hands of these anti-republican bastards with his irrelevant, nonsense talk about banning bump-stocks and pegging the age qualification at twenty-one years before an individual can purchase a rifle. Mr. President, do not deal with this gang of authoritarians by setting precedents that can be used to further undercut the 2nd Amendment in the future. A few other points.
There is no ground for compromise, and Democrats say they will win a civil war … the poor, deluded dears
I had foolishly thought that all the syrupy calls for blessed bipartisanship in 2018 would peter out and return to storage closet labeled “nonsense.” That burnout has not occurred, and many pundits and journalists still demand bipartisanship, hands-across-the aisle, and the joining of forces in efforts for the betterment of the “American people.” It is much too late for all of that, and that really should be plain to everyone.
Continue reading “There is no ground for compromise, and Democrats say they will win a civil war … the poor, deluded dears”Well done, Mr. President, but keep striking the bastards hard and often, and yell if you need help
Mr. President:
Well done on releasing the Nunes memo, Sir. But for our republic, it is, sadly, only the first step, and multiple tougher ones are to come. The mainstream media are already saying that the memo is fraud, or that it there is nothing illegal in it. That mad sack of shit McCain has said the memo is irrelevant and has urged on the Mueller investigation. Your own CIA Director and FBI Director tried to stop the memo’s publication. (NB: Those two must go, Mr. President, they are disloyal, disgraces to their organizations, and liars when it comes to their oaths of office.) You have a big, arduous, and troubling task ahead, Mr. President, but you must, as President Reagan — peace be upon him — once said stay the course, and be perfectly and enduringly bloody minded.