In a republic whose media are rife with lunacy, addled by sex, and enthralled by magically appearing damsels in distress, there are few crazier analyses than that which argues Russian president Vladimir Putin wants Donald Trump to win the presidency.
Continue reading “Is Putin really stupid enough to want Trump to be president?”Year: 2016
Speaker Ryan and his party embrace tyranny
I have consistently argued in this space that there is no difference between Democrats and Republicans on the issues of foreign policy and military interventionism. I have always suspected — but have been less confident in my judgment — that there is precious little difference between the two parties on any issue.
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Why I’m eager to see the end of my ‘white privilege’
I am a white male and soon will be 64 years of age. In the current presidential campaign Mrs. Clinton has spoken a great deal about the “evil” of “white privilege,” and about her intention to destroy it. After reflecting on what the substance of that phrase has meant during the course of my life, I enthusiastically, even rabidly, endorse the idea of eradicating “white privilege” in its entirety, almost as much as I endorse eradicating Mrs. Clinton and her family from American politics.
Continue reading “Why I’m eager to see the end of my ‘white privilege’”On Mr. Trump’s taxes: Well done, Sir, the NY Times has proven you right
The New York Times this morning leaked what may be some of Mr. Trump’s tax returns, and speculates that he may not have paid income taxes for 18 years. Well done, Mr. Trump!!!
Continue reading “On Mr. Trump’s taxes: Well done, Sir, the NY Times has proven you right”A letter to Mrs. Clinton: What is it that you actually care about?
After listening to your debate with Mr. Trump, I am left a bit confused.
Continue reading “A letter to Mrs. Clinton: What is it that you actually care about?”Bin Laden’s papers prove him and al-Qaeda a hands-down success
The chairman of the House Intelligence Committee says he wants the Obama administration to turn over the papers of Usama bin Laden to his Committee by 11 October 2016, or he will issue a subpoena for them. He believes they will make a lie of the Obama administration’s claim that al-Qaeda was all but destroyed and bin Laden was isolated from his organization when he was killed in Abbottabad, Pakistan in May, 2011.
Continue reading “Bin Laden’s papers prove him and al-Qaeda a hands-down success”Hillary Clinton’s pledge of ‘resolve’ in the Islam war means the demise of America
The media yesterday, in wake of the Islamist attacks in New York, quoted Hillary Clinton as promising “resolve” (1) in the fight against Islamism. She did not promise a U.S. victory, the annihilation of the foe, an end to war-causing interventionism, an effective and reliable domestic defense, or an end to the waste of American military and civilian lives. “Resolve,” you may have noticed, is what America has had as a policy for the Islam war from the presidencies of Bill Clinton, George W. Bush, and Barack Obama. America has been led with “resolve” in this war since 1996, and it is leading the republic to calamity.
Continue reading “Hillary Clinton’s pledge of ‘resolve’ in the Islam war means the demise of America”Congress quietly slips nearly 38 billion U.S. taxpayer dollars to irrelevant foreigners
The 535 members of the U.S. Congress and Senate and President Obama’s administration have made clear what their collective priority is for spending taxpayer money. They had a pot of $38 billion to spend and, as always, there were numerous items contending for top-priority financial support, but only one could win.
9/11 commemorations are always exercises in delusion and deceit
I have written here on previous 9/11 anniversaries that the day ought to be called something like the “National Day of Delusion.” I thought this year I would refrain from marking the day, but driving home from Mass this morning and listening to the radio I again got a burr under my saddle about all the falsehoods being propounded over the airwaves. Let us leave aside the fake grief that the media manufactures on each 9/11, and look rather at phrases such as “the terrorists were unable to change America,” “we have avenged the innocent that died in the attack,” “the new skyscrapers in New York City show America is stronger than ever,” and that old, but still reliably nauseating standby “we will never forget.”
Continue reading “9/11 commemorations are always exercises in delusion and deceit”To the Washington Post: Is there anyone there who knows anything about America?
Late in the afternoon of 7 September 2016, the Washington Post published a story that carried the following title, “Trump calls for higher defense spending after months of isolationist talk.” (1) The most germane part of this fundamentally uneducated and anti-Trump article is in the two following paragraphs.
Continue reading “To the Washington Post: Is there anyone there who knows anything about America?”