Just when you think that you have heard all of the asinine ideas possible about U.S. involvement in Afghanistan, out comes one that is so hideously ridiculous that you must assume the authors are demented and writing from a well-secured asylum.
Continue reading “President Trump: The only America-First Afghan policy is to get out of Afghanistan”Month: July 2017
HULU’s team says ‘Fuck the truth, we will deceive Americans’
I hesitated to again use this space for this issue, but I thought that there would be some interest in the HULU team’s arrogant and elitist response to my recent post showing that more than 70-perecent of the “Looming Tower” television project is knowingly based on lie, a lie that is now crystal clear and increasingly well-publicized because of the unclassified Department of Justice document posted in the last piece on this issue. (NB: The earlier articles on this issue can be found here and here.)
Continue reading “HULU’s team says ‘Fuck the truth, we will deceive Americans’”Mr. President, the lesson of your Hamburg visit is to get America out of NATO
In terms of America’s genuine national interests, the central takeaway from the G-20 Summit in Germany has almost nothing to do with what went on in the Summit’s discussions and declarations. The Summit produced what it always produces, hot air and political posturing. President Trump, however, did what he needed to do for America and calmed down our ties with the Russians.
Continue reading “Mr. President, the lesson of your Hamburg visit is to get America out of NATO”
Is HULU joining the fake, corrupting, and leftist media to mislead Americans about 9/11?
On 19 December 2015, I wrote in this space that I had been asked by the author Lawrence Wright to help him prepare a television docudrama about the years leading up to Al-Qaeda’s 9/11 attacks for a company called HULU. (NB: After some research, I understand that HULU is widely purported to be a prolific and discerning producer of television programming.) In the above-noted 2015 article, I wrote that I had ignored Mr. Wright’s request and explained why. I have included that entire article as an appendix below.
Continue reading “Is HULU joining the fake, corrupting, and leftist media to mislead Americans about 9/11?”Pour it on, Mr. Trump, tweet the lying bastards and bitches straight to hell
I have to admit that on most occasions President Trump’s tweets make my day. Aside from the fact that the tweets are absolutely necessary for him to keep in touch with the voters who elected him, the tweets demonstrate that there are very few holies for him in a contemporary American society that is being overwhelmed and intellectually paralyzed with newly invented and utterly demented holies.
Continue reading “Pour it on, Mr. Trump, tweet the lying bastards and bitches straight to hell”