James Comey admits to taking official government documents home and then giving them to the NY Times; he directly contradicts his 3 May 2017, under-oath testimony; he publicly conspires with that stooge of a Special Counsel Robert Mueller to stage-manage his testimony; he refused to tell Americans that their president was not colluding with the Russians; he coordinated his public language with Attorney General Lynch to please Clinton, protect that criminal, and fix the 2016 election; and, just after the hearing, is reported to have been offered a $10 million advance/payoff from a New York publisher for a book on Trump.
Continue reading “James Comey shows Americans that law does not apply to the elite”Year: 2017
U.S. thinking on arming the Kurds: Complex, intricate, nuanced, or just plain stupid?
We are halfway through May 2017, and it seems to be a month that again highlights the dearth of commonsense in the minds of most of those who are responsible for conducting the republic’s foreign and domestic affairs. On this score, one event merits special notice, namely, the arming of the Kurds.
Continue reading “U.S. thinking on arming the Kurds: Complex, intricate, nuanced, or just plain stupid?”It is time, General Mattis, to leave NATO and Europe to the coroner
This morning’s news notes that Defense Secretary James Mattis was in Denmark and is on his way to other European capitals to talk about how to defeat “Islamic terrorism” with our NATO allies. Now, Mattis is — I hope — no one’s fool. But it would be interesting to know how he reconciles the expenditure of his time, the cost of transportation and security, and the continued misleading of Americans about the value of the NATO alliance to U.S. security, with the fact that only last Sunday the French elected yet another president who is eager to preside over, and even quicken, the suicide of the French nation as part of what is now a Europe-wide comic-opera called “Death by Muslim.”
Continue reading “It is time, General Mattis, to leave NATO and Europe to the coroner”
How to deal with the ‘Resistance’? — Not necessarily civil war, but civil war if necessary
Continue reading “How to deal with the ‘Resistance’? — Not necessarily civil war, but civil war if necessary”‘If anyone likes to play rough, we can play rough too.”
W.S. Churchill, Speech to Canada’s Parliament, 31 December 1941
As always, U.S. interventionism yields a dunghill of daft and expensive fecklessness
Historically, U.S. political and military interventionism reliably produces three negative results: (a) motion without movement that fools Americans into thinking they are more secure; (b) dead and maimed Americans; and (c) a larger national debt. Let us, for a moment, look at the immediate results of the U.S. military interventionism that has occurred during the past two week:
Jack Keane — the biggest, most arrogant jackass of a retired general money can buy
It was almost as if a retired U.S. general wanted to sharpen and buttress the point made in this space on 11 April 2017, the one that argued that President Trump ought to purge scores of serving U.S. generals if he intends to put America First and thereby abandon endless, unnecessary war. Today, 12 April 2017, retired U.S. Army General Jack Keane appeared twice on FOX News and did exactly that.
Continue reading “Jack Keane — the biggest, most arrogant jackass of a retired general money can buy”President Trump, with respect, start ruthlessly purging the US general officer corps
President Trump:
Last time we discussed your refusal to abide by the Constitution’s hard-and-fast war-making provision, a decision that merits — as it did for most of your post-1945 predecessors — impeachment proceedings. Waging war in the manner you did in Syria is the work of an absolute monarch or a dictator, not that of a popularly elected president of this republic.
If you have time, Mr. President, Senator Paul can help you learn the Constitution means what it says
Continue reading “If you have time, Mr. President, Senator Paul can help you learn the Constitution means what it says”“While we all condemn the atrocities in Syria, the United States was not attacked. The President needs congressional authorization for military action as required by the Constitution, and I call on him to come to Congress for a proper debate. Our prior interventions in this region have done nothing to make us safer, and Syria will be no different.”
Senator Rand Paul, (R-Kentucky), 7 April 2017
On the America First agenda, President Trump, the swamp is closing in on you
Mr. President:
With respect, Sir, you are letting the pro-status-quo swampers overtake you and position themselves to paralyze your plan to make the concept of America First the operative guideline for the national government. Except on the vital job-creation and morale-building fronts — on which you have done splendidly — the goal of America First seems to be fading from your administration in favor of business as usual both at home and abroad. Please consider the following:
Continue reading “On the America First agenda, President Trump, the swamp is closing in on you”Take note Mr. Trump, Speaker Ryan was brutally schooled by liberty’s requirements
It seems that Speaker Ryan and most of his fellow Republicans in the House have yet to understand what happened in the 2016 presidential election.
Continue reading “Take note Mr. Trump, Speaker Ryan was brutally schooled by liberty’s requirements”