President Trump’s remark about Sweden and Muslim refugee violence was absolutely correct; Muslim violence of multiple ugly sorts is a nightly occurrence in Sweden. But those American journalist fellows — you know, the guys who are intentionally putting bulls-eyes on their backs — will not write talk about it because:
Month: February 2017
But Senator McCain, you and most of the media are enemies of the American republic
For the past several years I have been considering an article to address the issue which the media is constantly whining and wondering about; namely, the killing of journalists overseas in war zones and elsewhere. I have hesitated until today because I write with some directness, and did not want to seem to be endorsing such activity. But I really think that the question should be asked not as “Why are journalists being killed overseas?” but rather as “Why is it that more journalists are not being killed overseas and domestically?”
Continue reading “But Senator McCain, you and most of the media are enemies of the American republic”President Trump: Afghanistan is your easiest task — GET OUT
In recent days, there have been a number of straws in the wind claiming that the Trump administration is pondering whether to reinforce America’s utter defeat in Afghanistan by sending more U.S. troops there. The media report, for example, that the U.S. commander in Afghanistan, General John Nicholson, has asked for more ground troops, almost certainly for use in the now out-of-control southern Afghan provinces of Kandahar and Helmand. This kind of media report is generally the prelude to an official announcement that more troops will be sent. If sent, the reason for more troops will be something akin to “the general in charge on the ground in Afghanistan knows best, and we must support him to finish the job after all the war has cost America in blood and treasure.”
Continue reading “President Trump: Afghanistan is your easiest task — GET OUT”Mr. President, tell the media that Putin is infinitely less murderous than U.S. democracy crusaders
In an interview with FOX’s Bill O’Reilly on 5 February 2017, President Trump botched an exemplary opportunity to strike a major blow in favor of a durable America First foreign policy. But more such chances are sure to appear, and the President ought to be ready next time out.
On the travel ban, the Islam war, and more interventionism
The past two weeks have been full of examples that demonstrate how difficult it is to defend the United States from its enemies — as the saying goes — foreign and domestic. The Trump administration’s first step toward improved U.S. national security — the travel ban — was opposed by multicultural and therefore brain-dead political, religious, media, and academic elites in North America and Europe. As long as these paragons of idiocy are addicted to the genuinely stupid idea that you can make a political entity stronger by adding ingredients that erode its unity and pits its citizens against each other, domestic security will remain far over the horizon.
Continue reading “On the travel ban, the Islam war, and more interventionism”